How well do you understand your smoke detectors? Keeping your home safe is a priority for every homeowner. But for many homeowners, smoke detectors in Fort Myers, FL, are often an afterthought, and their essential role in safety is not always understood.
Learning the basics of smoke detectors can keep your family — and yourself — safe.
Did you know your smoke detectors should be replaced once every ten years? If it’s been a while since you’ve replaced yours, you may be overdue for some new detectors.
Keep in mind that smoke detectors in Fort Myers, FL, aren’t always going to last their expected ten years. So, it’s important to test your alarms often to ensure they’ll work in the unfortunate event of a fire.
If your alarm has ever gone off in the middle of the night with no sign of flames or smoke, more often than not, the cause is a bug — and not a technical kind. Insects getting inside smoke detectors is the #1 cause of these false alarms.
Try cleaning your smoke detector by vacuuming it or using compressed air to remove any unwanted residents. If the false alarms continue, you may need to replace the smoke detector.
It’s best to mount your smoke detector on the ceiling. If you need to place it on a wall instead, make sure the detector is at least three feet away from the corner and within one foot from your ceiling.
In either case, try not to install smoke detectors close to fans or air ducts, as those can blow the smoke away from the alarm and cause it not to go off in an emergency.
Additionally, avoid installing them too close to spots where appliances produce smoke or steam organically. Placing the alarm next to the kitchen stove or a bathroom shower can cause frustrating false alarms that could numb you to the sound when an actual problem arises.
For assistance with your home’s smoke detectors in Fort Myers, FL, you can count on the experienced team at Electrical Experts of FL. Get in touch today to learn more about our services!
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